Andrew G. Hodges, M.D.

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Dr. Andrew Hodges

A noted forensic profiler, Hodges developed his “thoughtprint decoding” technique by uniquely accessing unconscious super intelligence messages of suspects during criminal investigations. He bases his analyses on forensic documents—verbatim testimony, transcripts of police interrogations, letters and emails created by the suspects.

Glenn Beck and the self-righteous betray founders’ moral compass

After a newly released 11-year-old videotape surfaced of Donald Trump making crude sexual remarks, conservative radio personality Glenn Beck labeled the Republican ...
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Hillary the predator-enabler vs. ‘crude’ Donald Trump, WND Exclusive

Understandably upset with Donald Trump’s exceptionally crude “offensive” language from 11 years ago, Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, now impulsively betrays his party ...
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Michelle Obama secretly confesses her husband is an illegal president, Freedom Outpost

I am a psychiatrist and forensic profiler. Utilizing my training in the unconscious mind, I read between the lines of people’s statements, ...
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Cruz is servile puppy dog for Hillary

Behind the hullabaloo created by Ted Cruz’s July 20 speech at the Republican convention in which he refused to endorse Trump, there ...
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Exclusive: Andrew G. Hodges, M.D., decodes deeper meaning of Obama’s claim about Hillary emails “Nobody is above the law. How many times ...
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Journalists confess: Hillary’s violations mirror Obama’s illegal presidency

The recent discovery of an unconscious super intelligence reveals we accurately perceive events subliminally hundreds of times faster than our conscious mind. ...
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‘Devastatingly personal issue … driven by his deepest, darkest secret’ February 13, 2016 by Bob Unruh Read more at   A ...
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Obama Gun Control: “killing America” as he nearly killed

In his speech to the nation on January 5, 2016, Barack Obama explained why he was taking executive action on gun control. ...
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Obama confesses to enabling ISIS—but why?

America’s current president is leading us ever so certainly into a worsening crisis that will encourage future attacks by ISIS.  In order ...
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The Untold Story: Obama Continues taking out his traumatic background on America

Dr. Hodges was a guest on political commentator Lori Hopkins-Cavanaugh weekly “Lori on Liberty” talk show for 94.9 FM (Ledyard, Ct) which ...
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