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Dr. Andrew Hodges

A noted forensic profiler, Hodges developed his “thoughtprint decoding” technique by uniquely accessing unconscious super intelligence messages of suspects during criminal investigations. He bases his analyses on forensic documents—verbatim testimony, transcripts of police interrogations, letters and emails created by the suspects.

Confession of Atheist: God Exists

Writer Nina Burleigh who defended Amanda Knox in her book the “Fatal Gift of Beauty” reveals an unconscious self-profile of her sixth ...
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Forensic Profiling: Criminals testify to God’s existence

Forensic profiling (thoughtprint decoding) utilizing the super intelligence consistently reveals guilty criminals operate unconsciously on a fixed natural law moral compass. Driven ...
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Washington Insider presents discovery of deeper moral compass to President Clinton

In 1994 U. S. Senate chaplain Richard Halverson was impressed that Dr. Hodges’ book, The Deeper Intelligence, described a crucial paradigm shift ...
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The Discovery of Natural Law in the Unconscious Mind

Spiritual Implications An inbuilt natural law moral compass means these laws/principles/boundaries originated from a law giver Creator. Such a discovery in the ...
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Reviewer Compares Hodges’ book to C.S. Lewis

From Tea Party Nation In our benighted culture, it has ceased to be “self evident” (quote from The Declaration as will be ...
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Casey Anthony Forensic Profile

In numerous letters to a jail mate Casey Anthony confesses in her own words and the specific language of the "new" unconscious mind (the super-intel) ...
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What is a “Thoughtprint?”

A thoughtprint is unconscious communication hidden within verbal or written communication. The unconscious mind communicates constantly and typically hides its messages in ...
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The Obama Confession (1 of 7)

See Dr. Hodges’ YouTube video (2012) explaining Obama’s confessions to America regarding his presidency and his deepest motivations only his super-intel can ...
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The Obama Confession (2 of 7)

Striking stories and images in Obama’s speeches and letters reveal his great terrifying secret—that he suffered a near-abortion shortly after conception. He ...
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The Obama Confession (3 of 7)

Now Obama’s quick-read unconscious reveals his angry response to his abuse—unfolding his life equation. He describes the humiliation and powerlessness of children ...
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