Andrew G. Hodges, M.D.

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Casey Anthony Forensic Profile

Casey Anthony Forensic Profile

Testimony resumes in the Casey Anthony capital murder trial in Orlando, Florida on Friday, July 1, 2011. Casey Anthony in court at the Orange County Courthouse in Orlando.

In his opening argument on May 24, José Baez, Casey Anthony’s defense attorney, presented a complex alternative scenario of the death of his client’s 2-year-old daughter, Caylee, in 2008. Baez maintained that the child had drowned accidentally and that Casey and her father, George Anthony, conspired to cover up the fatal mishap. Baez further alleged that Casey’s father (and brother) had been sexually molesting Casey since childhood.

Taking the stand that same day at his daughter’s murder trial in Orlando, Fla., George Anthony strongly denied both accusations.

Yet in an extensive series of letters written to a woman and jailmate named Robyn Adams (between October, 2008 and February 2009), Casey Anthony’s super intelligence (see below) continually confessed unconsciously to killing her daughter and reflected on her ongoing feelings of guilt. I have decoded scores of “thoughtprints” (see below) found in these forensic documents in which the defendant reveals the truth in incredible detail. (At times I decode text messages also revealing an unconscious confession of her guilt from Casey Anthony to friends before and after the murder.)

In fact, in her first known letter from jail to Robyn Adams, Casey wrote at some length about recent dreams she was having about being sexually abused by her brother when she was between ages 12 and 15. She also revealed to Robyn that her father abused her at an earlier age, or so she suspected. Baez is aware of the content of these letters, thus the accusations leveled at George Anthony in his opening argument. But the defense attorney is not aware of the deeper meaning of Casey’s written words. Baez remains focused on their surface meaning. As a forensic psychiatrist specializing in the analysis of forensic documents, however, I know that the human mind communicates one thing consciously and quite another unconsciously. Casey Anthony’s unconscious is desperately confessing her guilt in the murder of her defenseless daughter. She makes plain Caylee’s death was not due to an accidental drowning.

Summary: Casey Anthony’s Unconscious Confession

Here’s her story as related in the imagined voice of her super intelligence:

First, I desperately need to open up about the murder. I killed my daughter by rendering her unconscious with an inhalant and then taping her mouth and suffocating her. Then I hid her body and left it lying around for weeks on land, not in water. Mostly it was an impulsive murder although I planned it. I was blatantly stupid—obvious—in carrying out the crime and attempted cover-up. I am deeply guilt-ridden—I know I’m evil for taking her life, as evil as the devil himself. Killing my daughter was my ultimate act of betrayal as a mother, and now I cannot get that betrayal off my mind.

I was mentally imbalanced— “loco” for sure—and now my overwhelming grief is driving me absolutely mad. I’m a religious hypocrite using my Christianity in a manipulative way to cover up. I deserve capital punishment. I’m telling all this to the authorities to bring about justice for my daughter and the consequences and judgment I deserve. At the same time I’m really frightened of being found guilty and being sentenced to death. Consciously I am constantly trying to cover up my confession with various denials, but I cannot stop my unconscious super intelligence from confessing.

Here are my motives. (1) the most immediate reason I had to kill my child was that I desperately wanted my freedom from motherhood. After all, I’d totally missed out on my young-woman stage and had gone “man crazy” fearing the loss of my boyfriend. This had a lot to do with my impulsivity. (2) But there were deeper motives. I re-enacted on my daughter major fears and emotional trauma I’d experienced in my own childhood. And now she’s dead, but if you can understand what my unconscious mind is trying to tell you, you’ll soon realize exactly how to bring me to justice.

Profiling/Document Examination Method

As a practicing psychotherapist and nationally recognized forensic profiler, I have learned that the human mind works simultaneously on two levels—consciously and unconsciously. The discovery of an unconscious super intelligence reveals that it reads situations in the blink of an eye and invariably tells the complete truth. It’s a brilliant, “see all, tell all” unconscious intelligence vastly superior to the conscious mind.

In one example, three art experts take 30 seconds or less to intuitively identify an art object from antiquity as a phony after other experts had spent months mistakenly authenticating it. Another example: a fire chief instinctively ordered his men—who were in the middle of putting out a fire—to clear a room only moments before its floor collapsed due to the real source of the flames in the floor below. Later, he understood that his unconscious had sensed the actual source of the danger1.

The super intelligence communicates in its own symbolic language. Fast forward to Casey Anthony and her numerous letters to Robyn Adams and key text messages sent previously to friends. In both she is unconsciously reading herself and her motives regarding the death of her daughter. She’s telling you about it unconsciously in a symbolic language of story: using brief narratives about others—which are actually about herself—patterned images, sequencing ideas and key denials. (I have called this new psycholinguistic profiling approach “thoughtprint decoding.”)

Every comment in her letters (stories, images, ideas) must be taken as an unconscious description of herself. Remember the basic principle: when she is talking or writing about others Casey Anthony is often unconsciously communicating about herself. No one can see her as clearly or understand her motives as fully as can her own super intelligence. The unconscious is a superior intelligence beyond what is commonly understood—which constantly guides her confession. No matter what obstacles it faces, super intelligence will get its message out.


Criminals are typically controlled by deeply buried unconscious emotional trauma which they re-enact on their victims. It’s well-documented that abuse victims often themselves become abusers. Casey describes re-enactments in letter 13609, “…you turn into the cruel people around us that feed on making other people feel worse.”

Casey’s re-enacted traumas: (all mentioned in letters to jailmate)

    1. Miscarriage in 2007 creates guilt as Casey believes her unborn child died because she’s a bad mother. Later she would re-enact that guilt on a “bad” daughter whom she kills. Miscarriages, psychiatrists have learned, often create major unconscious guilt in the mother while she often appears unconcerned on the surface. (Perhaps Casey riding around with Caylee’s dead body in trunk of her care reflects a picture of her “carrying a dead child in her womb.” People often act out their pain and guilt.)
    2. Grandmother had breast cancer one year before, and there was a strong family history of breast cancer. Casey referenced her fears of pre-cervical and breast cancer with a breast mass becoming hard and painful around time of murder. Casey describes her mother being unconcerned at moments about the breast mass. By committing the homicide, Casey re-enacts on her child the helplessness and death fears that she herself had experienced. The extreme nature of murdering her own daughter suggests Casey had other death type experiences which she may have repressed.
    3. Having suffered possible sexual abuse at the hands of her brother and also possibly her father, in turn Casey abuses, entraps and overpowers Caylee. She links murderous impulses with the trauma reporting her brother stopped after she threatened to kill him. Being puzzled over dreams of sexual abuse by her brother surfacing in jail suggest validity to the abuse. She would not naturally understand that the entrapment of jail would precipitate dreams about previous traumas of entrapment. And she reports secretly seeking psychotherapy on her own later to deal with the alleged abuse. She also describes a masculine identification at points which may reflect a need to protect herself.
    4. Fearing the loss of her boyfriend and desiring freedom from the responsibilities of motherhood Casey inflicts loss on Caylee, the loss of her young life.

Specific unconscious messages from letters:

Major points in letters will be summarized. At times will broaden a particular point in key sequences which elaborate on story. Casey Anthony is constantly communicating unconsciously and consciously simultaneously. Again the basic principle: when she is talking about others, Casey Anthony is constantly talking about herself.

Confession of opening up

13585 First Letter — DETAILED ANALYSIS — Overview

The first known letter (13585, in October 2008) from Casey Anthony reveals she is desperate to confess. Because the letter provides such a striking overview of specific parts of her confession we will review it in detail. Early in her first letter she asserts that she’s “starved to open [up],” that she craves “honest uncensored conversation.” Her super intelligence is screaming that she’s ready to confess—must confess—to get it off her chest. We should expect a candid confession to follow quickly, which it does.

She then documents a “horrible feeling of betrayal…not wanting to ever betray someone you care about….” Through denial, Anthony immediately confesses to betrayal of her child. “…in order to have life,” she wrote, “we must lose our old lives….[I would] give my own life to have her back.” Here Casey unconsciously declares that she deserves capital punishment—”must lose life.”

Next she mentions the religious hypocrisy of a boyfriend’s family—confessing to her own use of Christianity to cover up her guilt. Casey also asserts that she is “legal partners in crime” with a cell mate. Between the lines, she’s saying I committed a crime and have gotten away with it—so far I remain “legal.”

Casey writes about how hard it is on an another inmate who misses her kids, “I can only imagine what they’re going through” losing their mother while their father is manipulating them. Such unimaginable suffering of children separated from their mother is a powerful “injured-child story” and a veiled unconscious reference to Caylee who suffered at the hands of a manipulative Casey Anthony.

Key linkage

Next Casey mentions specific accusations that she killed her daughter and her subsequent denials in which she claims she’d “give my life to have her back.” This is key linkage to her dead daughter with murder accusations and it confirms that Anthony has been talking about betraying and killing her daughter. It also points out that she realizes she deserves capital punishment. Her super intelligence confesses her daughter is dead even though the body had not been found at the time Letter 13585 was written.

She continues with a hidden sequential story: “thinking about Caylee…[someone] seems nice but loony…Mad TV…you’ve [another inmate] had two kids…a killer tattoo not to mention all other bad ass things you’ve done…Madness…we’re getting tattoos, not like in [the movie] Dude, Where’s My Car.” Casey Anthony’s super intelligence unconsciously announces she now has been tattooed as a “killer,” and traced to her state of madness. She can’t say it enough, “I’m a killer.” Her daughter’s life was stolen like a car is stolen.

But the theme of that movie is more revealing. Essentially it comes down to a ruinous device capable of destroying the universe. Two forces—the destroyer (a group of women) and the protector (two men)—both claim the desire to use it for good, but the evil force, the woman, is a secret destroyer of life, a liar and betrayer. Casey is confessing again that she is the evil female killer who destroyed her daughter’s universe. She suggests the real title should be “Dude, Where’s My Mother?”

Casey follows this self-observation that she’s evil with another, “no way [the] devil would argue with himself.” Her super intel is admitting again that she knows she’s a devil and encouraging us to see past her denial. (One of the major keys to understanding the super intelligence is to read through denials to fully grasp the invariably truthful unconscious messages.)

She writes more suffering-kids stories: “so many kids…homeless…I want to target…missing children…close to my heart wish…we could prevent it…more kids will go missing.” Casey’s unconsciously admits she targeted and killed her daughter, a child who was at one time close to her heart, and she predicts Caylee’s “missing kid” body will later be discovered. When she writes to Robyn, “I trust you with my life,” Casey understands that this confession—albeit between the lines—could be used against her in court. That line also reiterates that Caylee had trusted her mother with her life—a trust that was brutally betrayed.

Later Casey explains one emotionally traumatic motive for murder. She details her recent dreams of sexual abuse between ages 12 and 15 when a brother molested her. He stopped only after she threatened to kill him. She also suspects her father abused her at much earlier age—things are fuzzy. Her mother defended the brother and called Casey a liar and a whore, statements which hurt Casey “like a knife in my chest.” She wonders why such memories are surfacing now. The super intel explains: her incarceration unconsciously triggered memories of entrapment and abuse by male members of her family and verbal belittling by her mother.

SUMMARY First Letter: Casey repeatedly confesses to murdering her daughter, to her betrayal and madness in doing so, to her awareness of unconscious guilt and that she deserves capital punishment. She also reveals some of the painful deeper motives which drove her. Indeed Casey Anthony fulfilled her letter’s early prediction that she was truly opening up.

Subsequent letters contain numerous confessional stories about missing children and child killers

Letter 13726 “I’m going to use this experience to help others, especially missing and exploited children….know you miss your family especially the munchkin….Believe me…I’m right there with ya!!…he wants me �to teach him’…new finds in book and with evidence.” Here Casey’s super intel confesses to murdering her daughter via a story “of others.” In essence, she’s urging prosecutors to believe her and to understand that this is a new type of forensic evidence.

Letter 13678 “I saw… press conferences today on the new missing child case…started crying…it’s just not right. I wish people..would stop being so heartless and evil. Satan continues to tempt… more individuals succumb to that damn temptation.” Again, Casey admits that she is the evil killer of her daughter.

Letter 13667 “War on the horizon…read the book Assassins. It’s part of the Left Behind Series…the more power Satan obtains the worse things are going to get…We need to find a way to reach today’s youth…need them in this fight.” Here Casey characterizes her crime as a satanic act in which she killed—assassinated—Caylee and left her behind.

Additional betrayal messages

Letter 13635 “I’m dealing with a pretty big battle…with the last person I honestly expected—my mother.” Casey repeatedly describes a betrayal by her mother who, she claims, set her up. Of course, what her unconscious is really saying is that, as a mother, she seriously betrayed Caylee.

Letter 13674 Casey questions what song describes her life right now. “Mine, hands down, that �I’m a bitch, I’m a mother [sic—cross-out slip] lover, I’m a child, I’m a mother, I’m a sinner, I’m a saint’. …especially how song starts, �I hate the world today.'” Here Casey confesses with a major slip indicating she was a hateful bitch of a mother.

Letter 13753 Casey mentions the movie Miss Congeniality—linked to “target myself.” The film is the story of mother figure who betrayed and targeted a younger daughter figure and tried to kill her. Similarly Casey targeted and killed her daughter, and here she clearly links that movie’s plot to her own situation.

MOUTH REFERENCES—fixation on Caylee’s mouth and putting substance on it to force inhalation; compatible with “chloroform.”

13736 Casey promises details of murder: “…giving you play by play…this place [jail cell] lesser of 2 evils….Hell…picture my daughter.” In next few pages Casey, declaring she’s evil, and predicts she’ll deliver specific details— “play by play”—of murder. She fulfills her unconscious promise with her focus on the prime method of this murder: attacking Caylee’s mouth and stopping her breathing.

13737 Court appearance triggers a confession of drugging her daughter: “I couldn’t stand waiting…my nerves get best of me when I’m..sitting around [waiting on court)…damn well terrifying…I’ve always been a potty mouth…closer…to real world [court] it starts to show its ugly head.” The court appearance prompts a confession from Casey that she treated Caylee’s mouth like a potty, putting a trashy substance in it or around it (chloroform?) eventually resulting in Caylee’s head/face turning ugly during the murder—suggesting she became unconscious and couldn’t breathe. Casey also confesses that—in asphyxiating her child—she was showing her own ugly head.

Casey then mentions her fear of clowns: “I hate clowns with the painted smile.” This is a vivid image, the type we come to expect from the super intelligence, which effectively sheds specific light on the crime being confessed. Here Casey admits that, blinded by hate, she painted the outside of Caylee’s mouth with a foreign substance suggesting that she first forced the child to inhale a substance such as chloroform. Three mouth/face images in a row at a key moment help a guilt-ridden Casey to admit she put something bad around/in Caylee’s mouth with disastrous results. Casey also tries to cover up her deed like a clown smiling on the outside while hiding an evil heart. She hates such clowns, and she hates herself for what she has done to Caylee. Her hatred of clowns also suggest someone “clowning” around with her at an early age but truly frightening her—a possible reference to being abused by a large man who covered up his deviation.

13738 Her sequential confession continues to depict a forced drugging. Casey continues talking about clowns surrounding her upcoming trial. She jokes with her attorneys: “I hate clowns and too many f***ing clowns at this circus….my nerves are shot—I’m forcing myself to eat.” Casey again suggests that she forced Caylee to inhale a foreign substance. This is her fourth oral image and this time it’s clearly linked to force.

13746 Now Casey makes a specific mention of poison and again suggests forced inhalation: “Fun facts:…first song he ever wrote… �A Big Wig’…I’d give my left kidney for …cigarettes …I’d rather poison myself that way [than with food here].” Her super-intel says the facts of the case are that she is a big phony who “poisoned” her daughter—made her inhale a “poison” such as chloroform— and deserves to be poisoned in return. These are the fifth and sixth vivid oral images in the sequence of the letters.

Confession Hid Body on Land

13748 What did Casey do with the child’s body after forcing an oral intake which caused unconsciousness? First she cites her seventh oral image: “Don’t drink the water here. There is nothing good about “juice” that has no juice….your diet will affect your entire body.” Then, she follows that oral image immediately by noting that “[my] body was used to lifting extra weights, i.e. your kids and laying…around…for numerous weeks.” Read after poisoning—knocking out her daughter with a drug—she lifted the child’s body and left it lying around for weeks. Casey suggests again she “juiced” Caylee, probably with chloroform, which eventually affected her entire body—made her unconscious.

13765 The accused offers clues to the location of the body. Casey asserts that she dislikes seafood and would rather “stick to land critters,” thus suggesting to investigators who are fishing around that they should “stick to the land” —that her daughter’s body was hidden on land, not in water.

INABILITY TO BREATHE FIXATION: Confesses murder was a two-step process—induce unconsciousness, then suffocation

13667 Casey now shifts from oral images to the trauma of “no breath.” In this previously analyzed letter we find another striking image, “War on the horizon…We need to find a way to reach today’s youth…young minds before they…one of many drowning in society and devils within.” Here Casey admits she killed Caylee specifically by “drowning” her, cutting off her breath.

Key Letter: Specific Sequence of Murder

13767 While on the surface Casey offers advice to Robyn about how to “hook” a man, her deeper unconscious reiterates that the murder was a two-step process—making Caylee unconscious then suffocating her: “hypnotize and hook’em…that’s how you do it ladies. It’s all feel. And be patient. Don’t yank too quickly or he’ll get away. Let him run a little til he’s out of breath. Then you’ve got him. Catch him first—then you always throw him back.” Casey comments: “too bad didn’t get this advice until now.” Again Casey confesses that she murdered Caylee first by “hypnotizing” her—causing unconsciousness by drugging her, and “letting her run for a while” —until she suffocated her, cutting off her breath.

13626 Casey confesses her true identity: “(soup) Nazi…I crack myself up! The crack-head [another prisoner] needs …to shut her dang flab mouth. Yay for the nurse! Is it bad I enjoy when they rip her a new one?…rude bitch…[how] extreme I want to go…can change my look from time to time. Who is this Casey Anthony?” In other words, Casey was a rude, bad bitch Nazi who—changing her look as a mother—cracked up and suffocated her daughter, shutting her mouth, ripping her a new one. Again she suggests to prosecution—ask the question “Who is Casey Anthony?” and the powerful messages revealed here by her super intelligence could be used in court along with other evidence to answer that crucial question.

13634 Casey writes, “…get to watch tv without knuckleheads upstairs drowning out the sound.” Then she depicts a deceitful father/parent who lies and “kept disappearing day and night,” and “I feel like a bitter old hag.” The “drowning” reference recalls the suffocation of her daughter. After Caylee was dead, Casey “kept disappearing day and night” because she had been “bitter” over her maternal responsibility and feeling like an “old hag” rather than the young devil-may-care woman she wanted to be.

13717 Casey’s preoccupation with mouth-and-murder continues in a Halloween story. “The pumpkin hearing �let’s carve and scoop’ he ran as fast as he could leaving a pumpkin poop.” This seemingly innocuous pumpkin story serves as metaphor for harming Caylee. The monster, Casey, harmed Caylee’s face—specifically her nose and mouth—in a sense cutting it out, cutting off air. Carving her up and killing her. This is the “poop,” that is the news, the truth.

13771 In this letter, Casey confesses she asphyxiated Caylee and disposed of her body. Regarding the media, Casey writes, “anything positive they dissect and throw away, only after twisting whatever crap they can out of it…I know your babies miss you.” Casey’s super-intel admits she twisted the crap out of Caylee via suffocation/strangulation, then threw her body away—clearly linking her own story to babies who are missing their mother.

Messages of taping daughter’s mouth and madness

13778-79 Here Casey confesses that she taped Caylee’s mouth when suffocating her. “Now I know how fish feel: they drop food into our bowl, tape (sic) on our glass, and all we can do is swim around and gasp for air. [This place has made] me loco.” Casey’s telling slip—spelling “tap” as “tape”—she taped Caylee’s mouth so that the child could no longer gasp for air. Casey was in a “loco,” mentally imbalanced state. She makes repeated references to her madness.

13763 This is another confession of poisoning Caylee and taping her mouth. “I’m no longer under psych observation—watching me like a 5 year old with paste.” Her super intelligence clearly depicts a young child with paste, a sticky substance which children often eat, thus linking her dead child’s mouth with a sticky substance such as tape. She simultaneously suggests poisoning her by a toxic substance.

    1. Confesses she left maternal trademark—red heart on child’s taped mouth and blanket

13638 In this letter Casey confesses to leaving a trademark on Caylee’s body after the murder Casey mentions her mother appearing on NBC’s Today Show suggesting that she herself will make a confession right now in this letter today. She again points to her own mother’s ongoing betrayal. “She put a Trademark on Caylee’s name a month back…plans on writing a book about this! B-E-T-R-A-Y-A-L!!!” Casey is shouting that she betrayed Caylee by murdering her and, in the process, she put a maternal trademark on Caylee’s body—the red heart (likely pasted on the tape which covered the child’s mouth) which was found near the body matching the sheet of sticky hearts in Caylee’s room. Evidence will surface during the trial that Caylee’s body was covered with a Winnie the Pooh blanket matching similar Winnie items in her room—another trademark which Casey suggests she was also referencing in her letter. Casey continues, “I’m the only person who tried to protect Caylee…it kills me.” Again her super-intel clearly links “kill” with Caylee and begs us to see through her protest of protecting Caylee.

Confesses she killed Caylee with her own hands

13772 Two letters suggest Casey killed her daughter with her own hands. She writes, “love is the only weapon we need…love is a fruit in season at all times and within the reach of every hand.” Here Casey notes that her maternal love became distorted and turned into a weapon which she used against her daughter. She reached out picking her off—killing her—with her own hands. 13781 “I’m silently screaming as I write…Hand hurts from writing so much…handwriting suffering.” Casey’s super intel is screaming about “pain” resulting “from using hands”—that it pains her to think of her daughter’s suffering as Casey suffocated her with her own hands.

Confesses to daughter’s decomposing body in her car (and yard)

13621 An article from the Internet labeled “I LIKE MONKEYS” was apparently printed out by Casey Anthony and sent to Robyn Adams. It’s a story of buying 200 monkeys cheaply. Summary as follows: Of having a monkey in a car. All died, like a goldfish dies five hours later—implying that it quits breathing. Bodies began to decompose and started to smell real bad. Tried to get rid of bodies. Dead monkeys in my bed—close to me. My monkeys. Agitated when couldn’t get rid of monkeys. Severely beat one of bodies and felt better. Finally gave the bodies away as Christmas gifts. Friends didn’t like them.

Read story as follows: Casey had her daughter’s smelly, decomposed body—which she had attacked—close to her in car and also in her own backyard as evidence suggested during her murder trial The body which was easily found near her home represented an unpleasant Christmas gift to police, who didn’t like what they found. The body was also found in a familiar area called “The Zone” where Casey as a child used to bury dead pets as did other kids at the time.

Key text message confirms murder (6/14/08)

Casey tells of an animal she had killed which stuck to the frame of her car and the continuous strong odor that ensued. Translation: Casey, who was daughter’s primary frame (framework/strength), killed her and had the stench of the decomposing body in her car for several days.

Matches actions: She also left her daughter’s doll, symbolic of the daughter herself, in her car to communicate the same message through that action. A doll the daughter always had with her.

Confesses to impulsive crime

13696 “ABSOLUTELY nothing wrong with being a strong woman…but going from zero to 100 in 3 seconds isn’t always the best way to handle things….sucks having to deal with my old life…not a day goes by…I don’t think about Caylee and wish I could have protected her better. If I let that plague my…emotions, I’d give up in a second.” Here Casey confesses that something drove her to lose control and impulsively overpower and murder her daughter—and she admits, reading through her denial, she “ABSOLUTELY” used her strength in the wrong way.

Repeatedly labels herself as evil

13679 Between the lines, Casey admits that she is evil. “…glad you’ve been able to vent…directly toward that evil woman. We are at war….can’t wait until you [are] at home with your babies!” Casey links an evil woman to the idea of nurturing a baby at home—she knows it was evil of her to neglect to nurture her child, but she didn’t want to remain at home to take care of her.

Guilt over murder driving her mad

13650 and 13651 “we literally at the zoo…they’re [she’s] up all night screaming and yelling….I know you’re strugging with missing the fam, especially your babies…I’m going crazy too [damn vent-talkers]—keeps changing radio stations but constant repetition all play same songs hour after hour.” Unconsciously Casey’s mind continually accuses her, driving her near the brink of insanity.

Confesses to poorly planning the crime

13624 “wants bomber jacket…and awesome boots” prompts recall of “quote from �Dumb and Dumber’: “killer boots man!”…to the cop that pulls them over.” Casey confesses to being a killer and notes how blatantly stupid she was. Suggests prosecution (cop) can use her blatant behavior in court—possibly tying it to this story.

13662 “I have strong feeling…he isn’t where should be for kids…Rule #1 of boxing—try not to swing and hit yourself….what I wouldn’t give to have little girl back, always with me…lost so much.” Here Casey confesses to a patently obvious self-destructive murderous act.

Message: letters important guidance for authorities

First Anthony makes numerous references to writing or reading a book. In essence she’s saying, “My letters are a book to the authorities, more than 200 pages, so please read them for the confession they contain.” Indeed, as the opening of her first letter says, she “is starved to open up.”

13766 Between the lines, she admits that her letters explain the puzzle of the murder. She is unconsciously observing her life from beginning, middle and end as well as her daughter’s end.

Quotes: “long for day of judgment—all puzzles explained and meaning of events clear….take to fiction [alluding to writing letters] at least on printed page we can observe beginnings, middles and ends, and can find out where morality resides.” Casey’s unconscious super intelligence is telling us that she wants to confess and that her moral confession can be found within these written pages.

13781I’m silently screaming as I write“—read, “I’m screaming at the authorities that my letters are a confession.”

13697 Casey describes waiting to read Robyn’s unopened letter to her, and writes “God [is] still using Caylee to grab people’s attention…[the] day I open your letter will be tragic…I’ll FINALLY get to read another piece of your heart.” She knows that the prosecutors are constantly reading parts of Casey’s heart in her letters. They get to see her true ways, a situation which is indeed tragic—for her.

1 See Blink, Malcolm Gladwell, 2003.

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