Andrew G. Hodges, M.D.

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Denial Busters – Look Closer for the Truth

The truth always speaks. You can’t stop it. You just have to know how to hear it, look more closely for the truth and see past denial. Denial Busters is a blog by an expert psychiatrist and forensic profiler dedicated to uncovering the real truth. By applying his “super intelligence” technique, Dr. Andrew Hodges finds clues embedded in written and verbal communications: clues that will expose truth, lies, and even unconscious denials from politicians, media members, and suspects in criminal investigations.

Obama confesses to enabling ISIS—but why?

America’s current president is leading us ever so certainly into a worsening crisis that will encourage future attacks by ISIS.  In order ...
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Dr. Andrew G. Hodges Appears on The Daily Ledger to Discuss Islamic Threats

On Jan 19, 2016 Dr Hodges was interviewed by EMMY Award winning newsman Graham Ledger for One America News Network about his ...
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Decoding Obama Daily

Obama hits ISIS with wet noodle punch Obama said “we’re hitting ISIS harder than ever.” Since he’s not hit ISIS hard at ...
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The Origins of Political Profiling

Two unique events in Hodges’ experience led to his move into the political profiling arena as he began listening for “thoughtprint messages” ...
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Esteemed Washington Insider takes “Deeper Intelligence” book to President

In 1994 U. S. Senate chaplain Richard Halverson was impressed that Dr. Hodges’ book described a crucial paradigm shift in knowledge which ...
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