Andrew G. Hodges, M.D.

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Political Therapy

Beyond forensic cases, Dr. Hodges also demonstrates how his super-intelligence technique can be invaluable in understanding the motivations of our political leaders. He’s examined Bill Clinton’s self-sabotaging behavior in the Monica Lewinsky affair. He’s even documented the motivations that drive Barack Obama’s presidential agenda.

Political leaders possess the same super-intel mind present in therapy patients (or criminals). Deep down they must tell the truth despite political or other motivations. That means a leader’s true message can be heard between the lines of his political agenda. This allows citizens to see which leaders truly act in their best interest and when they are being deceptive. In yet another application the super intelligence provides unsurpassed deeper commentary on the world of politics.

The same deeper inbuilt moral compass secretly guides their words just as in other settings.

Deep down they must tell the truth despite political or other motivations. That means a leader’s true message can be heard between the lines of his political agenda. This allows citizens to see which leaders truly act in their best interest and when they are being deceptive. In yet another application the super intelligence provides unsurpassed deeper commentary on the world of politics.

Articles about political therapy

Obama Confesses Illegal Presidency Cost Dems Election

One of his most faithful worshipers—The Washington Post—posed the perfect question for The Perfect President shortly after his Democratic Party went down ...
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Decoding Democrat attacks: Predator Harry Reid confesses his attack on Trump and nation, Freedom Outpost

U.S. Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid wasted no time blasting Donald Trump’s election as president. Just two days after the votes were ...
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Donald Trump must overcome success blindspot

(Note: this article was written only days before the election.) As a psychiatrist I specialize in forensic profiling and in addition the ...
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Trump tells media secret Obama story behind the 2016 election, Freedom Outpost

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has been criticized for his response as to whether he’d accept 2016 election results. His exact words: ...
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Glenn Beck and the self-righteous betray founders’ moral compass

After a newly released 11-year-old videotape surfaced of Donald Trump making crude sexual remarks, conservative radio personality Glenn Beck labeled the Republican ...
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Hillary the predator-enabler vs. ‘crude’ Donald Trump, WND Exclusive

Understandably upset with Donald Trump’s exceptionally crude “offensive” language from 11 years ago, Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, now impulsively betrays his party ...
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